Episode 93 | 3 Minute Mentor
Promote or give a pay raise?
This episode looks at when to increase someone’s salary and when to move them to a higher level or position.
Promote or give a pay raise?
This episode looks at when to increase someone’s salary and when to move them to a higher level or position.
Encouraging staff in a small setting.
You need to make changes in your business for good reasons – don’t forget the people who will be doing the work!
How do you go about naming something?
Naming is one of those things that we think we are great at. However, that does not make everyone an expert.
What is the role of social media at work?
Social Media is a critical tool for the future but that does not mean you need to disregard the rules and laws that your company has in place.
What is a wedge issue and how do I use it?
We all want to stand out from our competitors, in the market and in the workplace, and one of the best ways to do that is to find an issue that separates you and drive a wedge into it.