Episode 117 | 3 Minute Mentor
What is an Agile development method?
“Agile” is as much a mind set as it is a methodology. Your organization has to both be willing and able to adapt if it is going to adopt this approach.
What is an Agile development method?
“Agile” is as much a mind set as it is a methodology. Your organization has to both be willing and able to adapt if it is going to adopt this approach.
Should I “rat” someone out?
Lots of people don’t want to get involved when they see someone acting badly but we all know the difference between right and wrong. Keeping on the side of “right” is the better approach.
Settle fights between teams?
Sometimes we find ourselves stuck between two fighting teams. Should you join the battle or not?
How do Newton’s Laws relate to business?
You have to engage if you are going to change something but that action will have a reaction and you need to think through the implications.
What was McGregor’s X-Y Theory?
McGregor suggests that there are two fundamental approaches to managing people – X Theory and Y Theory. Is one better than the other? Let’s see.